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(Started 27 May 2008 10:22, Posts: 7)
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(Started 20 May 2008 04:48, Posts: 35)

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Venryx, I would assume that as this is the open-source version of Wikidot, any modules included...
(by leiger 24 Mar 2012 16:52, posts: 35)
My website's in need of an enhanced version of the PageTree module, and I was wondering if it's...
(by Venryx 23 Mar 2012 20:29, posts: 35)
Hey ApostleO, On Wikidot.com you would want to use the %%updated_by%% tag, but I'm not sure if it...
(by leiger 15 Dec 2011 06:22, posts: 35)
I have done a bit of searching, but I have been unable to find any information about how (if...
(by ApostleO 14 Dec 2011 11:50, posts: 35)
If anyone gets VM Ware working with this successfully, again, please let me know or — even...
(by leiger 25 Oct 2009 01:25, posts: 5)
It would be nice to get listpages to display in columns rather than a single column.
(by g33kcub 29 Jun 2009 22:31, posts: 35)
Please calm down. The world "bible" is used in many senses, like "The bible of...
(by Gabrys 25 Jun 2009 11:11, posts: 7)
Broz, try to imagine when some important words for you - what are they? - used in opposite...
(by electrussia 25 Jun 2009 11:02, posts: 7)
While you are right to point out that Karma has religious connotations, Wikidot is an Internet...
(by pieterh 25 Jun 2009 10:50, posts: 7)
The word "karma", "guru" and others are just good. They are used with success...
(by Gabrys 25 Jun 2009 10:40, posts: 7)

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Recent proposals


The current implementation of templates allows you to create a set of pages in the template category that can be used as initial content for newly created pages. The problem is that there is no real binding between the template and the page and once a page is saved - it is completely independent from the template.

In large wikis with dozens of pages created from such defined templates there is no easy way to change the layout for pages that were created with a given template

Therefore we would like to introduce "live templates". Such template would consist of a special template definition (located in category-name:_template, one template per category) and would influence the way that pages are rendered and viewed.

on 13 May 2008 07:25

ListPages Module

The goal of the work is to create a very general-purpose module for listing pages in a way similar to the FrontForum module. The module would allow custom content formatting, ordering, pagination, support for tags and RSS feed generation. It could be possibly used to create blogs, news systems etc.

on 20 May 2008 04:48

Blogging Suite

This proposal is about making blogging easier with Wikidot.

on 20 May 2008 09:15


Karma feature is an idea to calculate and indicate users' activity within Wikidot and visually distinguish high-activity users from low-activity users. In the first implementation karma will be based solely on the activity.

on 27 May 2008 10:22

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