Blogging Suite
This proposal is about making blogging easier with Wikidot.
Many Wikidot users ask for better blogging experience with Wikidot. Currently blogs and news systems can be set up via forums and the FronForum module, but this is not a perfect set up.
The goal of our work is to incorporate full blogging suite for Wikidot. Here are a few assumptions:
- Blog articles are pages in a specified category (e.g. blog:).
- When an author wants to create a new blog article (post), he/she makes a new page.
- Pages should have comments/pingbacks/trackbacks configurable.
Here is a list of things that we need to make the full blogging system:
- "Live templates" so that authors can set common layout for all pages from a category. done
- ListPages module that would allow to make front-page list of blog entries. done
- RSS feeds that couple to the ListPages module. done
- Blogger-friendly comments system (not coupled to the forums, allow commenters to sign with their URL).
- Pingback/Trackback implementation.
- The two above also require an anti-spam technology.
- Handful module for displaying post count in years/months (aka blog calendar).
page revision: 3, last edited: 28 May 2008 10:31
It would be interesting for the blogger to be able to
Indeed, I would like to be able to edit the date of regular forum posts of version 1.
The main way of selecting what posts to publish is via tags. So this would mean we need timed tagging (i.e. "set this tag on this page at date/time X").
There is a separate issue of not allowing people to see blog posts that have not yet been published.
I'd love to see a ListPages element that would display the number of comments you have on a particular page/post, when you get around to blog-friendly comments. Same for trackbacks when they happen.
Thanks for doing this, I love the idea of a wikidot blogging platform.
I'm looking towards getting my blog indexed by places like technorati, and one thing that might help is validation.
I ran my blog feed through the wc3 Feed Validation Service and came up with several errors.
See the Errors without having to copy/paste my feed.
I'm still a ways off from getting indexed anyway, but I thought I'd bring this up.
Also, Technorati likes to be pinged before it indexes. Some places are set up to auto-ping it. Details here. I don't know a lot about this, so I'm not really sure if that might be related to the pingback item on your checklist or not.
Thanks again for pursuing blogging.